Sad Monster Mood Crew

Hello, I’m Sad from the DBSA Mood Crew™. I’m pretty well known in the group, you’ve probably heard of me. While a lot of people may tell you not to be like me, it is important to feel sad every now and then, because as I always tell Happy: Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Anyway, I’ve created some resources to help you understand what it’s like to be me. And most importantly, know that even though we may not want to feel sad, it is okay to.

As a parent or caregiver, it can be hard to see our young ones feeling sad, but it is important that we teach children it is okay to feel this way. Sad’s new resources help kids process what sadness is. By encouraging our children to feel their feelings instead of repressing them, we help them build healthy coping habits and know it’s alright to reach out for support.

Sad wants you to know it’s OK to feel this way.

Storytime with Sad

Storytime with Sad

This worksheet helps us understand that isn’t easy being sad, but it is also a normal part of life to feel sad from time to time.

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Searching for Sad’s Synonyms

Searching for Sad’s Synonyms

There is more than one way to feel sad. Use my word search to find feelings that are similar to Sadness.

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