
Recovery: a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.

Treatment for depression and bipolar disorder often includes four elements: talk therapy, medication, peer support, and a personal wellness plan. DBSA recognizes that there are many paths to wellness and promotes numerous treatment components that are beneficial for individual achievements of recovery. We believe that a successful approach to mental health is balanced and starts best with a knowledgeable, empowered individual.

Daily tools empower your wellness journey

Each person’s wellness journey is unique. With that in mind, DBSA has developed tools to help you take the first steps and to determine what support you may need along the way.

Start with Strengths

The DBSA Wellness Wheel is an easy-to-use tool that focuses on your strengths in 7 key areas of life. 

DBSA Wellness Wheel

Wellness Wheel

Keep Daily Logs

Our Wellness Tracker can be an essential resource to understand your moods, symptoms, medications, and lifestyle.

DBSA Wellness Tracker Workbook

Wellness Tracker

Father and Son

Getting Well and Staying Well

Depression and bipolar disorder are mood disorders—real conditions that affect a person’s moods, thoughts, body, energy, and emotions. Both conditions, especially bipolar disorder, tend to follow a cyclical course of ups and downs. Treatment for these conditions can also have ups and downs. Wellness may not happen overnight, but it is possible.

You Decide What Wellness Means to You

Relief of symptoms is only the first step in treating depression or bipolar disorder. Wellness is a return to a life that you care about. Recovery happens when your condition stops getting in the way of your life. Talk to your health care provider (HCP) about what you need to achieve this recovery. Your HCP can provide the treatment(s) and/or medication(s) that work best for you. Along the way, you have a right to ask questions about the treatments you are receiving and choose the treatments you want.

It can also be helpful to work with a therapist, family member, friend, or peer supporter to help define your experience in health. Your definition of a meaningful life may change over time. At times, depression and bipolar disorder might make it seem difficult to set a goal for yourself. It might feel almost impossible to think about the things that you hope for or care about. But goal setting is an important part of wellness, no matter where you are on your path. Work on what you can and when you can.

Effective treatments can help you

  • reach your goals (for example, by helping reduce symptoms such as fear or anxiety),
  • build upon the strengths you have and the things you can do,
  • develop a wellness plan focused on your specific goals and needs, and
  • live your life without the interference of symptoms.

Explore Treatment Options

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