How have your wellness goals changed or evolved?

The DBSA Wellness Wheel is a tool to help you understand areas of progress and opportunities for growth. The end of the year is a good time to take stock of these seven areas that make up your overall wellness. Here are wellness tips and journal prompts to help center yourself during the holidays.


Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness

Journal Prompt: When it came to sleep, nutrition, or exercise throughout the year, what did you learn about your body? How can you be gentle and support your physical wellness goals?

Tip: Sit down with your calendar and review past doctor’s appointment with your primary care doctors or other doctors such as dentists or gynecologists. Put reminders on your calendar for the upcoming year so you stay on track with your appointments.

Learn more about Physical Wellness

Social Wellness

Social Wellness

Journal Prompt: What was a social experience you had last year that you enjoyed? Are there friends you haven’t connected with in a while that you would like to reach out to in the year ahead?

Tip: The end of the year can be a great time to spread and share gratitude for friends and family in our lives. Find a special way to acknowledge those who mean a lot to you—that can be as simple as sending a text or email, or making them a homemade card or small gift.

Learn more about Social Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Journal Prompt: What was a moment in the last year that brought you peace, hope, or calm? Write about that experience and what about it made it so special to you.

Tip: The end of the year and the beginning of a new year can be a great time to reflect on what brings us the most sense of meaning, value, and purpose in our lives. Set intentions for the year ahead on the types of practices and rituals that might continue to enhance your spiritual wellness.

Learn more about Spiritual Wellness

Occupational Wellness

Occupational Wellness

Journal Prompt: What went well for you in terms of your working experience this year? What goals do have next year to improve your working life?

Tip: As the year ends write a list of all you have accomplished this past year as it relates to the work you do—that can be anything from formal jobs or volunteering to caregiving or chores. It can be hard to remember all our accomplishments so writing them down throughout the year can be a rewarding exercise in celebrating our hard work.

Learn more about Occupational Wellness

environmental wellness

Environmental Wellness

Journal Prompt: During this past year what was your favorite time spent outside? What do you want your time in nature to look like next year? What activities can you plan?

Tip: In the Northern Hemisphere as temperatures cool for the winter and days become shorter, consider spending time in sunlight as much as possible. Even a quick walk around the block during the middle of the day can provide some much-needed sunlight.

Learn more about Environmental Wellness

Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness

Journal Prompt: During this past year did you accomplish any financial goals? Looking ahead to next year what are some financial priorities you have, and do you have a plan to accomplish them?

Tip: Consider your spending and saving habits for the year by each quarter. For example, in the first three months of the year are expenses higher or lower based on circumstances? By thinking about your budget seasonally you might have new insights on where you want to spend or save more.

Learn more about Financial Wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Journal Prompt: What was an experience you had that made you feel inspired, curious, or left you wanting to know more? In the upcoming year what interests or hobbies will you pursue?

Tip: See if there is an hour each week you can give to yourself to pursue your interests. That could look like setting time aside to read on a Sunday morning or having a puzzle night on Thursdays. Balancing your passions and interests can help your energy in the long run.

Learn more about Intellectual Wellness

Finally, don’t forget to complete a and set goals for next year!

Wellness Wheel Workbook  Goal Planner

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