Nationwide, hundreds of independent affiliate chapters of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) offer many valuable resources for people living with depression and bipolar disorder including educational programs, outreach activities, and support groups. DBSA support groups are peer-facilitated and provide others with the opportunity to find comfort and direction in a confidential and supportive setting. Additional services offered vary by chapter and depend upon the needs of the community served.

Why Start a DBSA Support Group?

DBSA support groups

  • offer an opportunity to reach out to others and benefit from the experience of those who have been there
  • help others understand that a mood disorder does not define who they are
  • motivate attendees to establish and follow wellness plans
  • remind yourself and others that wellness is possible!

DBSA support groups belong to an affiliated chapter. Chapters provide these types of services:

  • offer the peer’s perspective to the medical community
  • make a difference in your community and maybe even save a life
  • create a forum for mutual acceptance, understanding, and self-discovery
  • conduct an educational session or event
  • promote community outreach activities
  • host at least one support group.

Start a DBSA Support Group

If you have any questions about starting a support group, please get in touch with the DBSA Support Group & Chapter Services Department at (312) 642-0049 or via e-mail at

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