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The path to mental health begins
with knowledge.

People who have mood disorders can more readily achieve wellness when they recognize the symptoms and understand the issues related to this spectrum of conditions. Written in plain English and crafted in consultation with both peers and leading clinicians, DBSA educational materials help people with diagnoses and their loved ones to know what mood disorders are, and what can be done for treatment and management.

Say It Forward Campaign

When it comes to mental health conditions, silence is not golden. Silence breeds stigma, and stigma hurts. It prevents people from seeking life-saving treatment and support. The International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF) and Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) hope you’ll join forces with us to educate and inspire people to learn the facts about mood disorders and break the chains of stigma.

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DBSA Wellness Toolbox

Click on tile to learn more about DBSA’s wellness tools


Different people need different amounts of sleep to stay well. Learn about the importance of sleep in your wellness plan.

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder helps you understand mood disorders, and define what wellness means to you.

Setting Goals

Goal setting is an important part of wellness, no matter where you are on your journey.

At Work

Depression and bipolar disorder can present challenges, but there are things you can do to manage your symptoms and stay well at work.


Connecting to others is an important part of wellness. If you have had trouble in relationships with family and friends, you are not alone.


Exercise is an important part of wellness, not only because it keeps our bodies healthy, but also because it benefits our brains!

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy can be an important part of treatment for depression, bipolar disorder or other mood disorders.


Different people need different amounts of sleep to stay well. Learn about the importance of sleep in your wellness plan.

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder helps you understand mood disorders, and define what wellness means to you.

Setting Goals

Goal setting is an important part of wellness, no matter where you are on your journey.

At Work

Depression and bipolar disorder can present challenges, but there are things you can do to manage your symptoms and stay well at work.


Connecting to others is an important part of wellness. If you have had trouble in relationships with family and friends, you are not alone.


Exercise is an important part of wellness, not only because it keeps our bodies healthy, but also because it benefits our brains!

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy can be an important part of treatment for depression, bipolar disorder or other mood disorders.


Treatment Options

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Find a Mental Health Professional

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From the Blog

August 30, 2022

Letter from Pediatrician Nicole Brown, MD, MPH, MHS

Dear Colleagues, As pediatric providers dedicated to providing high-quality care for children and adolescents, many of us have experienced an unprecedented surge in mental health needs among our patients. The … Continued

How Stress Affects Your Body and Mind

Stress affects your body by: Making you feel shaky, dizzy, or off-balance. Adrenaline can cause a surge of energy through your body, leaving you feeling jittery. Raising blood pressure, which … Continued

How To Prevent Holiday Stress

Managing Stress The trick to managing stress is to prevent it from happening in the first place. When that’s not possible, extending grace toward yourself and others can go a … Continued

5 Ways the Covid-19 Pandemic Changed How We Think About Mental Health

The full extent of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health most likely won’t be completely understood for years, or even decades, to come.  But here’s what we do know: … Continued

Digital mental health services are the future–so how do we get there?

The U.S. healthcare system struggles to provide adequate treatment for those suffering from mental health conditions, and the number of mental health providers does not match the ever-growing need. One … Continued

DBSA Programs

I'm here...

I’m here…

I’m here… is a way—for both people living with a mood disorder and those who support—to open up a channel for communication and to say, “I’m here…”

Life Unlimited

Empowering stories of individuals whose lives have been touched, but not limited by, a mood disorder.
Parent and child

Parent and Caregiver Network

The Parent and Caregiver Network is an online support community where you’ll find connection, resources, and hope for the road ahead.