September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. For people living with depression and bipolar, thoughts of suicide can be common, yet frightening. In this toolkit, you’ll find information and resources to help manage thoughts of suicide, resources to create a crisis plan, and information on identifying signs and symptoms in others.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Support DBSA

Suicide Prevention Information

Understanding suicidal thinking and steps you can take to help yourself or someone you love is critical to suicide prevention.

Learn More

Prepare for a Crisis 

While we never want a crisis to occur, being prepared can make all the difference. Learn more about resources and plans you can create to help in a crisis.

Prepare for a Crisis   Hotline Information

Suicide Prevention for Parents and Caregivers  

One of the most challenging realities as a parent or caregiver is observing your child experience mental health symptoms. Of those symptoms, it can be the most challenging to process and protect against suicidality. In this article, we’ve outlined what parents and caregivers need to know for suicide prevention. 

Read the Article

Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss 

Coping with the loss of a loved one is challenging, and it can be difficult to know how to best support someone who has lost a loved one to suicide. In this episode of the DBSA podcast series, two DBSA Young Adult Council Members interview co-facilitators of a Survivors of Suicide bereavement support group.

Listen here

Discussion on Suicidal Thinking

Emma Benoit was paralyzed by a suicide attempt but used her painful experience to spread hope and awareness. DBSA hosted a panel of peers and subject matter experts who shared stories and resources to help teens, their parents, and loved ones better understand suicidal thinking and mood disorders.

DBSA Chapters and Support Groups

Find a Peer Support Group

Peer support has been proven to increase treatment responsiveness, hope, social function, wellness, and self-esteem and bring about a sense of control, all of which can help decrease suicidal thoughts. DBSA offers in-person and online support groups. Find a group today.

In-person     Online

You Can Help

With your support, we can continue to offer our lifesaving services to our community to stop the rate of suicide from increasing to foster connection, wellness, and hope.

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