Hosted by members of the DBSA Young Adult Council, this podcast series is focused on the unique challenges facing young adults living with a mood disorder. More podcasts will be added throughout the year.

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Question Topic:

Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss – Young Adult Council


Nearly 46,000 Americans died by suicide in 2020. That’s one death every 11 minutes.

Coping with the loss of a loved one is challenging. It can also be difficult for people around them to know how to best support them. DBSA Young Adult Council members Olivia Eiler and Jamie Vaughn spoke with two co-facilitators from the Survivors of Suicide (SOS) bereavement support group at UMPC Western Psychiatric Hospital’s STAR-Center in Pittsburgh. They share their personal experiences with suicide loss, offer practical tips for supporting survivors, and discuss resources for survivors.

For Immediate Help:

National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Call or text 988

Online Resources:

American Association of Suicidology

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Survivors of Suicide bereavement support group

Jamey Covaleski


The Dougy Center for Grieving Children & Families

The Child Mind Institute

Books for Adults:

After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief by Bob Baugher and Jack Jordan

No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One by Carla Fine

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner

Why People Die by Suicide by Thomas Joiner

History of a Suicide: My Sister’s Unfinished Life by Jill Bialosky

I’m Sorry For Your Loss: Hope and Guidance in Managing Your Grief by Lillian L. Meyers, Ph.D.

My Son…My Son: A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss, or Suicide by Iris Bolton

Voices of Healing and Hope: Conversations on Grief after Suicide by Iris Bolton

Cracked, Not Broken: Surviving and Thriving After a Suicide Attempt by Kevin Hines

It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn’t understand by Megan Devine

Grief One Day at a Time: 365 Meditations to Help You Heal After Loss by Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D.

A Time to Grieve: Meditations for Healing After the Death of a Loved One by Carol Staudacher

Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child by Gary Roe

Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson

Books for Children:

Suicide Loss: What Teens Need to Know by Terri Erbacher, Ph.D. & Tony Salvatore, MA

But I Didn't Get to Say Goodbye: For Parents and Professionals Helping Child Suicide Survivors by Barbara Rubel

My Uncle Keith Died by Carol Ann Loehr, Julianne Costentino & James Mojonnier

Depression and Self-Advocacy in the Workplace


DBSA’s Young Adult Council member Olivia sat down with Johnny to discuss living with depression and dealing with an unsupportive workplace. For many young adults, the first job out of college can be a challenging adjustment. For Johnny, his first work experience happened to coincide with his first severe depressive episode. Olivia and Johnny discuss what it took for Johnny to be able to advocate for himself and what companies should do to be more supportive of their employees.

Recognizing the early signs of a mood disorder – Young Adult Council


DBSA's Young Adult Council members are back to discuss their early experiences with bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety, and explain how they found the right treatment. Symptoms of a mood disorder can be hard to recognize and understand, especially when they happen simultaneously. YAC members recall where they were in life when the first signs appeared, how they found self-awareness and acceptance, how friends and family reacted, and the resources that helped them most. Each member provides unique perspectives, offering suggestions for dealing with the first signs of a mood disorder and revealing how loved ones can be supportive in the early stages.


Read the Recognizing the first sign of a mood disorder blog:…-mood-disorder/

Listen to the Navigating budgets and insurance while living with a mood disorder podcast: Dbsalliance – Young-adult-council-navigating-budgets-and-insurance-while-living-with-a-mood-disorder

Can routines improve your mental health


DBSA talks to Young Adult Council members about how they use routines to help manage their mental health. Routines have been shown to reduce stress and can improve your mood. Listen and learn how to establish easy routines and build healthy habits.

Also, check out DBSA's new Wellness Wheel:…wellness-wheel/
Learn more about YAC:

Making life adjustments during anxious times


DBSA sat down with three young adult council members to talk about the changes they are experiencing because of COVID-19. The conversation covers working from home, changing commencement plans, as well as giving and receiving therapy from home.

San Diego Zoo Stream:
Georgia Aquarium Stream:…otter-webcam/
Kansas City Zoo Penguins:…entoo-penguin/

Learn more about YAC:

Navigating budgets and insurance while living with a mood disorder


Sticking to a budget and navigating insurance can be tough for anyone, especially if they are living with a mood disorder. Members of DBSA Young Adult Council provide practical tips to stay financially healthy while living with depression or bipolar. They also break down some insurance jargon you may not be familiar with and share personal stories about using their healthcare coverage.

Coping With Feeling Behind Your Peers


Join Geralyn Dexter and Linea Johnson as they discuss the difficulties of feeling behind your peers while dealing with a mental health condition.

Handling a Quarter Life Crisis


In this podcast, Linea Johnson takes on the role of interviewer while Young Adult Council co-chair, Geralyn Dexter, shares her experiences with handling a quarter life crisis.

Getting Your Financial Life on Track


Listen to this podcast to learn how to start off on the right foot--or get back on track--with your finances. Join us as we discuss budgeting, obtaining credit and eliminating debt.

DBSA would like to thank Rebecca’s Dream for their support of the DBSA Young Adult podcast series and Q&A. Both are an extension of Rebecca’s Dream’s ongoing mission to promote awareness and compassion of depression and bipolar disorder as real diseases. Visit

Struggling In Silence


All over the world many people with mood disorders struggle in silence. Often times they have fears of telling others or beliefs about themselves that make it difficult to speak up. Linea Johnson shares her experiences with struggling in silence and offers some tips for others to combat this.

Helping Friends Understand Your Mental Health Condition


Sometimes even the most well-meaning friends just can't understand what you are going through. In this podcast, Linea Johnson shares her experiences with friends who both "get-it" and don't.

Dealing with Relapse


Experiencing relapse is a very real concern for many of us living with a mood disorder. Linea Johnson shares her personal experiences with relapse and how she has come to accept this part of her life.

DBSA would like to thank Rebecca’s Dream for their support of the DBSA Young Adult podcast series and Q&A. Both are an extension of Rebecca’s Dream’s ongoing mission to promote awareness and compassion of depression and bipolar disorder as real diseases. Visit