Well Beyond Blue
Mood disorders affect as many as 21 million individuals of all ages in the U.S. and there exists a significant unmet need for more and better treatment options. To address this need, DBSA created the Well Beyond Blue initiative to accelerate innovation in treatment and care across the entire health care system. The first phase of this initiative has focused on aligning medical product development with the treatment outcomes desired by the individuals living with these conditions.
Building on those recommendations, DBSA partnered with the Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy to conduct the Supporting Wellness survey to better understand the aspects of wellness that are most important to people living with mood disorders. Survey results were used to support an externally-led Patient-Focused Drug Development meeting.
A written summary of the meeting is available in the Voice of the Patient Report.
Survey results and feedback from the meeting were also used to provide comment to the FDA document: Major Depressive Disorder: Developing Drugs for Treatment; Guidance for Industry.
Watch the Patience Focused Drug Development Meeting.
The white paper Major Depressive Disorder: Designing Clinical Trials That Support Patient-Focused Drug Development
- identifies the current gap between medical product development, the regulatory approval process, and person-centric outcomes; and
- makes recommendations for narrowing these gaps.
The survey results will drive the next phases of the initiative.
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