DBSA Brightened My Life…
My story begins in 1990, when I was at the pinnacle of my career with a fortune 500 company, a life as a society columnist and newly ordained minister in a large town. That was when I first noticed something deep inside me beginning to happen.
I noticed it once or twice before and just could not put my finger on it. I began to feel myself becoming isolated from family, friends, and work. I also felt the need to accomplish things at record speed. I sought the help of the mental health team at work, who referred me to a licensed therapist, and, after one visit, referred me to the psychologist who saved my life. This was only the beginning of my journey.
After four hospitalizations, I was referred to my DBSA support group. This sacred place gave me a place to talk, learn coping skills, and develop a comradery of people just like me. I am sure I suffered from depression and bipolar for many years before my formal diagnosis, but the most recent 30 years of my life were much brighter thanks to DBSA support groups.
I continued to work, travel, and care for my family while steadfastly attending support groups. I was asked to be a group facilitator for the DBSA Triangle Chapter, The Comfort Zone and eventually started to train others to become facilitators just like me! Attending support groups and facilitating training continually brightens my life by allowing me to manage my wellness journey by helping myself and others.
Peer support was key to a healthy and productive life for me. I am writing to share my story about the brightness DBSA provides and call you to support this organization that means so much to me. Your support will go to virtual support groups, like the one I run, and provide individuals with mood disorders with the tools to live a healthy and productive life.