The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance highlights the importance of peer support and Peer Specialists.

Research shows that participants in support groups experience reduced depression and increased altruism, hope, and connection. DBSA’s own studies indicate that individuals in our support groups report greater understanding of their conditions, enhanced confidence, and improved self-esteem.

Peer Specialists complement therapists and care managers by offering unique support through shared experiences. Their involvement has led to better engagement with healthcare providers and improved self-care among peers.

Becoming a Peer Specialist is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Peer support is about believing in people and helping them believe in themselves. It can be so powerful to pour hope into a person.

—Jean D., DBSA Peer Specialist Trainer 

For Global Peer Support Celebration Day, we interviewed DBSA Peer Specialist Trainer, Jean Dukarski, to learn more about her journey as a Peer Specialist and trainer.

Read Jean’s Interview

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