Thank you to all in our community who took our 2023 communications survey. This is an important survey that DBSA publishes biannually to hear from our community on how we’re doing. DBSA wants to ensure everyone we serve has the community, wellness, and hope they need for the road ahead. We want you to know that you responded and we’re listening. Here were the findings from the 2023 DBSA communications survey.

DBSA asked how you want to hear from us.

DBSA wants to provide community, wellness, and hope through our resources and programs. To do this, it is helpful to understand how you want to hear from us. The DBSA community responded that emails, eNewsletters, and USPS mail are the best way to reach you. Sign up for email and newsletter updates here.


“We are a community of strength, resilience, and compassion.”- Survey Respondent

DBSA asked what challenges you have had in seeking help, information, and support.

For many in our community, finding the help, information, and support needed can be a challenge. DBSA wanted to find out what challenges those in our community have faced so we can help create solutions nationally and locally. You responded that the cost of care, inability to make appointments, and providers that don’t understand you were leading barriers to care.

DBSA asked what three topics you would like to hear more about in our communications.

Meeting you where you are requires that DBSA knows what types of topics you’d like to hear more about. You responded that you want to know more about lifetime support of mood disorders, addressing stigma, and more in-person support groups. DBSA’s strategic plan for 2023 aims to address all of those priorities, by expanding support group offerings and enhancing resources across the lifespan for individuals living with mood disorders and their parents and caregivers. DBSA is addressing stigma by sharing the powerful experiences of those in our community through story-sharing and creating meaningful one-on-one connections.


“Your work reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles, and that there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.” – Survey Respondent

DBSA is appreciative of the useful feedback that will drive our work going forward. We are glad that our work has been helpful to our community as we look forward to continuing to create new and innovative ways to serve people living with mood disorders and those who support them.

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