Hello, I have heard LAIs (Long-Acting Injectables) are being used to help treat people living with bipolar like myself. I would like to know how I would know if LAIs are right for me and will I have to continue to take medication (for bipolar) in pill form after starting an LAI?

Just like with oral medication (pills or capsules), the decision to use LAIs is, ideally, a shared decision between a person with bipolar disorder and her or his prescribing clinician.  LAI may be right for you if you are already taking a medication in pill form that is available as an LAI. Typically, once a person goes on to an LAI, they can stop taking the pill version of the medication that the LAI is replacing. But when and how the pill should be tapered or stopped should also be a shared decision between a person with bipolar disorder and his or her prescribing clinician.

Learn about shared decision-making with Dr. Martha Sajatovic.

About the Doc

About the Doc

Dr. Martha Sajatovic is a Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Scientific Advisory Board. From UHHospitals.org: "Dr. Sajatovic is a researcher, educator, and clinician who has devoted herself to studying and treating traditionally, hard-to-treat populations with central nervous system disorders. Dr. Sajatovic's research interests have focused on neuropsychiatric outcomes of brain disorders across the lifespan, including epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and other types of dementia and Parkinson's disease."