As we settle into January rhythms and look ahead to a new year, a lot of us might be seeking to create new resolutions or goals for the year ahead.

And, for others, new resolutions and goals may feel heavy after years of unsuccessful attempts. Wherever you are on your journey this year, at DBSA we hope you greet your wellness journey with gentleness.

One way to lean into the new year is by intention setting. Different from making a resolution, intention setting allows a gentler approach. An intention is “a thing intended, an aim or plan.” It allows us to visualize the change we want to see and make a gentle plan to move towards that vision.

The DBSA Wellness Wheel is a great tool to use in the New Year, especially if you aren’t sure what type of intention you want to set. Start your journey by completing the Wellness Wheel Workbook. This assessment allows you to see your strengths and areas for growth in perspective. If you see an area that you might want to work on more, you can begin to set an intention around that area and make more specific plans to see that intention realized.

Additionally, utilizing the Wellness Wheel Journal Prompts can help you dig deeper to find opportunities for changes in your routine. Select several prompts that resonate with you and begin to journal about those Wellness Wheel areas. Journaling around the Wellness Wheel can help give us a specific focus on all the various ways we find wellness, even when other areas may feel challenging.

However you welcome the new year, we hope that DBSA’s wellness resources will help you move into 2022 with self-compassion.