The Balanced Mind Parent Network (BMPN) is an online support community for parents and caregivers to find connections, resources, and hope.

The Balanced Mind Parent Network was created to connect parents across the world who are raising children living with mood disorders. Our family-focused community provides reliable information to caregivers about mood disorders, treatment, school accommodations, research, and more. The online community has groups, forums, and other resources to support you along your journey. The discussion boards are moderated by dedicated volunteers who are parents and caregivers themselves and understand the realities of raising a child living with a mood disorder diagnosis. 

Membership in the Balanced Mind Parent Network

Members of the Balanced Mind Parent Network are parents or caregivers of a child under the age of 26 living with a mood disorder diagnosis. Memberships will be approved within two workdays. 

Join our community

Mood Disorders in Children, Teens, and Young Adults

Children, teens, and young adults can receive a mood disorder diagnosis from as young as three years old into their early adulthood. Mood disorders are a category of mental health conditions that include the following diagnoses: 

Major depressive disorder: characterized by having an irritable mood, loss of interest in usual activities, along with other symptoms for at least two weeks. 

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia): is a type of long-lasting, low-grade depressed mood that lasts for at least 1 year.

Bipolar disorder: characterized by periods of symptoms of mania, followed by periods of depression

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: is seen in children who are regularly angry, irritable, and have outbursts that impact their overall functioning. 

Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder: symptoms of depression and tension in relation to a menstrual cycle 

Mood disorder caused by a health problem: many physical health conditions can cause symptoms of depression to occur. This can be particularly common if a diagnosis of chronic illness, cancer, or severe injury or infection.

Substance-induced mood disorders: the effects of medicine, drug use, or other forms of treatments can be related to the experience of mood disorder symptoms 

Want to know more?

Contact or call (800) 826-3632 for more information.

Father and Son

BMPN Groups Available September 15th

Complementary Health

Online support community for parents of children, teens, or young adults interested in treating mood disorders with complementary health approaches

Residential Treatment Centers

Online support community for parents considering, or who have a child in, a residential treatment facility


Online support community for parents whose child(ren) are in a period of stability

Substance Use

Online support community for parents of children, teens, or young adults with mood disorders and substance use issues


Online support communities for parents raising a child with depression, bipolar, or related disorders


Online support community for parents raising a teen with depression, bipolar, or related disorders


Online support community for parents raising transition-age young adults up to 26-years old, with depression, bipolar, or related disorders