The most important thing to remember about suicidal thoughts is that they are symptoms of a treatable condition. These symptoms are not character flaws or signs of personal weakness, nor are they conditions that will just go away on their own.

Depression and the depression experience in bipolar disorder may cause symptoms such as

  • intense sadness,
  • hopelessness,
  • lethargy,
  • loss of appetite,
  • disruption of sleep,
  • decreased ability to perform usual tasks, and
  • loss of interest in once-pleasurable activities.

Taken together, these symptoms may lead someone to consider suicide. However, with proper treatment, the majority of people do feel better and regain hope. Recovery is possible!

During severe depression, people may often think only of things that are negative, hopeless, and sad. Physicians refer to this as “selective memory”—only remembering the bad times or the disappointments in life. This type of thinking is a symptom of the condition; it does not define who the person is. And with proper treatment, the individual will start to remember the good times and develop a more positive outlook.